Moving Forward
Future Directions
Since this was a 2-week design sprint, we didn't have the opportunity to explore all of the features our users would have liked to see in Docs. If we had more time to work on this concept project, we would have tried to incorporate some of the following features us and our users were excited about and run another round of usability testing:
- Allowing users to edit headers and footers on the mobile app
- Adding formulas and/or allowing tables to have some calculating abilities to consolidate some of the functionality between Docs and Sheets
- Chatting features for easier real-time collaboration
Lessons Learned
During this project, I learned...
Feature Prioritization is Key
Feature prioritization is the key to moving forward in open ended design projects that can take many different directions. It is important to keep the users needs in mind while making every feature decision.
User Research > Biases
As someone who had used Docs for all my adult life, I didn't realize how unintuitive Docs felt to new users, especially the mobile app. It was interesting to explore pain points I wouldn't even have imagined and it was only possible through user research.