Initial Sketches
We started off quickly sketching out some of our ideas on a potential flow for our mobile marketplace. Our goal was to identify a layout for some of our pages moving forward.
Brand Guidelines
Though Finli had an existing style-guide, our point of contact encouraged us to explore a new aesthetic for our prototype. Since they were planning on updating the current app's UI anyway, our only constraints were to stick to Finli's color palette and typeface.
Mid-Fidelity Wireframing
Moving onto Figma after our user interviews and our initial sketches, we began with creating a class listing page, a class description page, and a class schedule. At this stage in our design process we hadn't collected survey data yet, but we did include information users found important during our user interviews.
Users wanted to know about instructor credibility and the reviews from the class, so we included that information at the top of our wireframes. Users also wanted a short description directly under the title before a more detailed one. Lastly, location was important to the users we interviewed as well as the duration and time of the class.